Exam time…. Take a deep breath

Exam time…. Take a deep breath

At the outset wishing all the students good luck for their upcoming board exams. With exams season creeping closer everyday it’s becoming increasingly necessary for students to take care of their physical and mental health. This article may help you structure and organise your time and yourself better.

keep the following tips in mind and you might actually stand a chance of getting through the oncoming academic onslaught relatively unscathed.

  • To begin with the below average students the best thing you could do in the last few days is to solve previous years question papers from NCERT book. This will ensure full marks in your compulsory objective type questions set.
  • Manage your time and timetable.
  • Ideally you must first start with your difficult chapters or subjects. Leaving the easier one’s for last minute revision and the break days during exams.
  • Prioritise your assignments.
  • Ensure a dedicated study space at home.
  • Be flexible in your approach. Do not push yourself too much by keeping awake late hours in the night and consuming caffeine.

*Watch out the three kinds of common triggers during exams.

Social trigger includes meeting friends,  usage of mobile phones, entertainment time.
Academic triggers are time management and your number of hours at study.
Daily triggers are your  day to day activities. You need to strike a balance between them.

Tips for your exam day and examination hall…

⏰First attempt all the questions you know, leave the doubtful ones for later attempt.

⌚ Do not be in a hurry, check the questions properly. Read and interpret the questions. Pay attention on words like or/ not or else you may end up attempting both questions wasting time.

⌚ Keep your stationery items handy. Carry spare pens.

⌚ Tick questions on paper using pencil.

⌚ Ignore surroundings- keep yourself away from distractions like the other students asking for an extra sheet, someone taking a bio break etc.

⌚ Minimise your bio breaks by drinking less water just before the exam,  but make sure you don’t dehydrate yourself by staying thirsty.

⌚ If you need an extra sheet inform the invigilator 2-3 mins before hand to avoid wastage of time.

⌚ Use time as and effective tool.

⌚ Your 15 mins of reading time should be used wisely and effectively. Read the question paper well. Make a rough plan and jot down the important points of your answer.

⌚ Do not worry about the tough questions. Prioritise your attempts for easy questions first. Your confidence grows as you are mentally ready to take on the mere challenging questions.

⌚ Ensure speed and accuracy.  Remember the tips and tricks given by your teachers in the classroom.

⌚ Keep an eye on your watch.

⌚ Avoid thinking too much about a question.

⌚ Select your options wisely, smartly and carefully.

⌚ Use easy language. A conceptual answer written in simple language will score better marks than a flowery answer.

⌚ Stick to word count especially in literature and language papers.

⌚ Handwriting should be clean and legible. Not everyone has a beautiful handwriting but anyone can write with proper space, punctuation and legible handwriting. Use margin wherever necessary.

⌚ Remember written English is different from spoken English. Using slang words or SMS language will be counted as spelling mistake and you will be penalised for the same.

⌚ Paper presentation is an important aspect and you must attempt the paper in a way that not only make and impact on the checker but makes him/ her read your paper easily.

⌚ Focus on NCERT book.


Homemade food is the  best  with a combination of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Choose wisely on what you eat. Research proves that people who eat home cooked meals on a regular basis tend to be happier and healthier and consume less sugar and processed foods, resulting in higher energy levels and better mental health.


The most common woes of students include not being able to remember what they have studied, lack of concentration and frightful nightmares related to the dreaded exams. Asking students to keep calm at this stage might sound clichéd so how about an easy way to combat with exam stress!

Yoga is the answer. Experts say  just 20 mins of yoga everyday  can help students keep the pressure and tension at bay and get the marks they deserve. Yoga is not just doing asanas for your health. There has more meaning to it as it elevates your emotions with a touch of spirituality,  giving you the ability to overcome a lot of problems in your life .

The month of February and March cones with a wave of anxiety attacks for students of 10 and 12 across the country. Parents and also expected to follow a certain regime of destressing. We just need to simply understand that the Everybody will get an opportunity.  Do not create last minute pressure on your child. Be cordial, love your children,  be their moral support. Do not confiscate your child’s mobile phone and disconnect them from their world. Let them understand their responsibilities and make choices for themselves. When we parents give them a choice believe me they will choose wisely and automatically minimise the usage of mobiles and social media. Keep blessing them, give them your good vibes and maintain the harmony at home. They will surely come up with flying colours.
Good wishes and blessings!

Reena Anil Vedagiri
DBMS kadma high school
Founder – Jamshedpur Women’s Club

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